Saturday, February 29, 2020
Abiotic And Biotic Characteristics Environmental Sciences Essay
Abiotic And Biotic Characteristics Environmental Sciences Essay San Francisco Bay has maintained a magnificent body of water and use to sustain the economy of Western United States and San Francisco Estuary in Bay in is of great importance because through this a large number of water draining becomes possible. It’s Estuary from where fresh water meets to sea water. There are many pollutants that we face in our daily life e.g. dirt, sediments, oil, grease, fertilizes pesticides chemicals etc. the water running from the land carrying these pollutants to underground and ultimately this reach to the Estuary of san Francisco. These pollutants when reach in river and sea water can pollute the whole water and prove harmful for aquatic life as it can be cause harm for wetland creatures like fish, and can prove very dangerous for other habitats of water. It can destroy the aquatic system and can be major threats for the living organism living under water. As San Francisco Estuary considered as a very important region and has much economic importan ce so for prevention of pollution and keep safe this region from other different factors restoration and conservation is used. Abiotic and biotic characteristics of the San Francisco Estuary Many of environmental factors affect the abiotic and biotic characteristics of the San Francisco Estuary these include both abiotic and biotic characteristics. These factors effects the life in Estuary in great extends. Non-living factors are called abiotic factors which include concentration of oxygen and nutrients, salinity of water and amount of sunshine. As these factors have the major impact on the life in estuary. All living factors that affect the estuary are called biotic factors. That includes producers’ consumers and predators as producers are of basic importance for consumers. Consumers rely on producers and predators rely on consumers. So these are depend on one another to maintain the balance of estuary, Population growth in the San Francisco Bay area affected the estuary Inc reasing trend of population in San Francisco Bay area affected the estuary as increasing trend of population cause a rush in urban as well as on village areas. More the people are using the recourses more the waste is creating and much use of water and water waste from its use create pollution as much of the polluted water is drained through the underground ways to Estuary that is a great threat for the marine life. More over in recent years 40,000 metric tons of pollutants enter the Bay annually from agriculture and urban runoff. Rivers, atmospheric fallout, municipal sewage treatment plants, industrial facilities, natural and artificial erosion, illegal clearance, dredging and dredged material disposal, marine vessel discharges, accidental spills, and landfill seepage are also causing problems as well. (1) Habitat fracture in the San Francisco Estuary been increased by human behavior Estuaries is of great importance for us as these are used for food, trade and for shelter and in t his case Sans Francisco Bay has great importance as it is used as harbor for many ships of this regions. There are large number of plants and animals found in Estuaries and the most of population of San Francisco Bay depend on these marine lives for their food. But due to the pollution spreading by increase in population cause harm to these plants and animals. This pollution can cause damage to the lives of these plants and animals found in estuaries.
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