Saturday, February 29, 2020

Abiotic And Biotic Characteristics Environmental Sciences Essay

Abiotic And Biotic Characteristics Environmental Sciences Essay San Francisco Bay has maintained a magnificent body of water and use to sustain the economy of Western United States and San Francisco Estuary in Bay in is of great importance because through this a large number of water draining becomes possible. It’s Estuary from where fresh water meets to sea water. There are many pollutants that we face in our daily life e.g. dirt, sediments, oil, grease, fertilizes pesticides chemicals etc. the water running from the land carrying these pollutants to underground and ultimately this reach to the Estuary of san Francisco. These pollutants when reach in river and sea water can pollute the whole water and prove harmful for aquatic life as it can be cause harm for wetland creatures like fish, and can prove very dangerous for other habitats of water. It can destroy the aquatic system and can be major threats for the living organism living under water. As San Francisco Estuary considered as a very important region and has much economic importan ce so for prevention of pollution and keep safe this region from other different factors restoration and conservation is used. Abiotic and biotic characteristics of the San Francisco Estuary Many of environmental factors affect the abiotic and biotic characteristics of the San Francisco Estuary these include both abiotic and biotic characteristics. These factors effects the life in Estuary in great extends. Non-living factors are called abiotic factors which include concentration of oxygen and nutrients, salinity of water and amount of sunshine. As these factors have the major impact on the life in estuary. All living factors that affect the estuary are called biotic factors. That includes producers’ consumers and predators as producers are of basic importance for consumers. Consumers rely on producers and predators rely on consumers. So these are depend on one another to maintain the balance of estuary, Population growth in the San Francisco Bay area affected the estuary Inc reasing trend of population in San Francisco Bay area affected the estuary as increasing trend of population cause a rush in urban as well as on village areas. More the people are using the recourses more the waste is creating and much use of water and water waste from its use create pollution as much of the polluted water is drained through the underground ways to Estuary that is a great threat for the marine life. More over in recent years 40,000 metric tons of pollutants enter the Bay annually from agriculture and urban runoff. Rivers, atmospheric fallout, municipal sewage treatment plants, industrial facilities, natural and artificial erosion, illegal clearance, dredging and dredged material disposal, marine vessel discharges, accidental spills, and landfill seepage are also causing problems as well. (1) Habitat fracture in the San Francisco Estuary been increased by human behavior Estuaries is of great importance for us as these are used for food, trade and for shelter and in t his case Sans Francisco Bay has great importance as it is used as harbor for many ships of this regions. There are large number of plants and animals found in Estuaries and the most of population of San Francisco Bay depend on these marine lives for their food. But due to the pollution spreading by increase in population cause harm to these plants and animals. This pollution can cause damage to the lives of these plants and animals found in estuaries.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Employment and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Employment and Society - Essay Example According to the Meaning of Work Survey, there are five principal aspects of life – work, family, community, religion and leisure. Respondents asked to rank the five according to their importance to them indicated in the majority that family came first then work second. However, a good number – accounting for slightly over one-fourth of all respondents – chose work above all, even family. The perspective implicitly assumed by the Survey is that the five aspects the respondents were asked to rank were different and mutually exclusive from each other, and that their apparent meanings are the basis upon which they were ranked.Studies have shown, however, that there are multiple dimensions from which to approach the meaning of work, that explains why individuals would consider it more important than some (or all) of the other aspects of life. The meaning and context of â€Å"Work† Overell (2009) what is obvious to all – that occupational work is importa nt because joblessness is not an economically feasible option. Where remunerated work is viewed as scarce, therefore, the value of having a job rises dramatically. Other than this, however, work provides people with their self-identity, a structure to their time and activities, and a means of self-expression as much as a means to an economic end. Work is not a monolithic whole, however, but has many shades and implications. A study was conducted on three non-economic aspects of the work environment: job demands, job discretion, and job social relationships. According to Karasek (1976), a lack of discretion over the contents of a job tends to make the worker either passive in leisure and community associations or experience mental strain. On the other hand, work that is psychologically demanding does not always lead to deleterious effects, as long as the level of job discretion is not low. When job discretion is high, work that is psychologically demanding tends to make the worker mo re socially active in leisure and in community participation. In a more recent study, Knowles and Taylor (1990) identified two dimensions, each with two â€Å"poles†, that cut across work, family and leisure activities in general. For the first dimension, its positive pole involved activities viewed as challenging, creative and under the individual’s control, and were viewed as enjoyable – communicating with people, creating new business, and finding solutions – whether done at work or at home. Its negative pole involves the routine and mundane activities over which the individual exercises little control, such as completing paperwork, doing the shopping or general administration or housework, which are seen as necessary but stressful. In the second dimension, one pole involved socialization and moral obligation and included settling disputes, attending meetings, and doing things as a family. The other pole involved activities done alone, without any soci al or moral obligation, such as most leisure activities. It was found that whether the respondents chose work or home as preferable over the other, it usually involved pursuit of a lifestyle that was perceived as non-stressful, challenging, and enjoyable, and wherein they are free to exercise their freedom of choice and personal control. Frames of reference: Challenges to the traditional concept of work vs life There is a social context to work that is beside the concept of individual undertaking. In seeking to understand challenges to the traditional sexual/gender paradigm of â€Å"work-life balance† (WLB), it must be noted that a greater emphasis must be devoted to understanding the allocation of the burden of responsibilities discharged by adult members of a household, both as to size and composition. Another important consideration is the quality of recreational activity. WLB decisions take into account the normative expectations linked to gender roles, the regularities a nd patterns with which people meet these expectations, and the lifestyles and consumption habits that result

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Marketing Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Marketing Management - Assignment Example Cadbury has been operating in India for over 60 years now. It started its operation by importing chocolates in 1948. Presently, the company boasts of a market share of above 70% which is the highest share of the brand across the globe. Cadbury’s billion Dollar brand ‘Dairy Milk’ is referred in India as the â€Å"gold standard† in terms of chocolates. Cadbury was also a pioneer in India for developing cocoa cultivation, since 1965. They have given a quality life to thousands of farmers through their continuous efforts to increase the production of cocoa. No wonder that a Cocoa tree in India is popular in the name of Cadbury tree (Cadbury, n.d.). It can be said that Cadbury is the synonym for chocolates in India and also the brand loyalty of Cadbury in India is quite high. Thus, based on these important criteria’s, India has been preferred for the launch of a new brand of Cadbury (Doddamani, 2011). Situation Analysis PESTLE Analysis Political Change in regulations and laws regarding international food labelling and trade are bound to affect Cadbury. Cadbury should be aware of the Food Safety Act and should take care in not violating it. Cadbury should also be cautious and ensure that none of its manufacturing plants are breaking laws related to production such as employing minors or paying less wage compared to the stated amount in the Wages Act (Mullerschon, n.d.). Economical The economy in India is a bit stable at this point, thus, launching a new chocolate bar would be supported (Mullerschon, n.d.). The stable economic condition has increased the per capita income which signifies that the disposable income of the populace of the country is higher at present. High rate in consumer spending and decrease in interest rates would help to encourage launching of a new brand (Mullerschon, n.d.). Increase in the population of middle income group would signify increasing demands. The cost of production in India would be low compared to other countries, thus, this would make market penetration easy for Cadbury. The market of chocolate in India is growing and there is immense scope to be exploited. The chocolate industry of India is a unique mix of attitudes, high consumption patterns, income levels, beliefs and spending. The country has high sales and many segments that are still uncovered (Doddamani, 2011). Social People nowadays have become quite health conscious and are trying to cut down on soft drinks, confectionaries and sweat meat because of high cholesterol and calorie. However, Cadbury has an edge over this as their products are becoming substitutes of sweet meat and confectionaries. Cadbury enjoys strong customer loyalty and their opinion is high regarding this company, thus, there is not any reason for the consumers to stop buying their products. The gift culture in India is growing, which will also enable to keep a sustained demand of Cadbury’s products (Mullerschon, n.d.). Technological Producti on is increasing because of machines with high technology and this enables the factories to produce in