Monday, December 30, 2019
Biography of Anne Frank, Writer of Powerful WWII Diary
Anne Frank (born Annelies Marie Frank; June 12, 1929–March 1945) was a Jewish teenager who spent two years hiding in a Secret Annex in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam during World War II. While she died in the Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp at age 15, her father survived and found and published Annes diary. Her diary has since been read by millions of people and has turned Anne Frank into a symbol of the children murdered during the Holocaust. Fast Facts: Anne Frank Known For: Jewish teenager whose diary chronicled hiding in Nazi-occupied AmsterdamAlso Known As: Annelies Marie FrankBorn: June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt am Main, GermanyParents: Otto and Edith FrankDied: March 1945 in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp near Bergen, GermanyEducation: Montessori school, Jewish LyceumPublished Works: Diary of Anne Frank (also known as Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl)Notable Quote: Its a wonder I havent abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart. Early Childhood Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany as the second child of Otto and Edith Frank. Annes sister Margot Betti Frank was three years older. The Franks were a middle-class, liberal Jewish family whose ancestors had lived in Germany for centuries. The Franks considered Germany their home, so it was a very difficult decision for them to leave Germany in 1933 and start a new life in the Netherlands, away from the anti-Semitism of the newly empowered Nazis. The Move to Amsterdam After moving his family in with Ediths mother in Aachen, Germany, Otto Frank moved to Amsterdam, Netherlands in the summer of 1933 so that he could establish a Dutch firm of Opekta, a company that made and sold pectin (a product used to make jelly). The other members of the Frank family followed a bit later, with Anne being the last to arrive in Amsterdam in February 1934. The Franks quickly settled into life in Amsterdam. While Otto Frank focused on building up his business, Anne and Margot started at their new schools and made a large circle of Jewish and non-Jewish friends. In 1939, Annes maternal grandmother also fled Germany and lived with the Franks until her death in January 1942. The Nazis Arrive in Amsterdam On May 10, 1940, Germany attacked the Netherlands. Five days later, the country officially surrendered. Now in control of the Netherlands, the Nazis quickly began issuing anti-Jewish laws and edicts. In addition to no longer being able to sit on park benches, go to public swimming pools, or take public transportation, Anne could no longer go to a school with non-Jews. Persecution Increases In September 1941, Anne had to leave her Montessori school to attend the Jewish Lyceum. In May 1942, a new edict forced all Jews over the age of 6 to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothes. Since the persecution of Jews in the Netherlands was extremely similar to the early persecution of Jews in Germany, the Franks could foresee that life was only going to get worse for them. The Franks realized they needed to find a way to escape. Unable to leave the Netherlands because the borders were closed, the Franks decided the only way to escape the Nazis was to go into hiding. Nearly a year before Anne received her diary, the Franks had begun organizing a hiding place. Going Into Hiding For Annes 13th birthday (June 12, 1942), she received a red-and-white-checkered autograph album that she decided to use as a diary. Until she went into hiding, Anne wrote in her diary about everyday life such as her friends, the grades she received at school, and even playing ping pong. The Franks had planned on moving to their hiding place on July 16, 1942, but their plans changed when Margot received a call-up notice on July 5, 1942, summoning her to a labor camp in Germany. After packing their final items, the Franks left their apartment at 37 Merwedeplein the following day. Their hiding place, which Anne called the Secret Annex, was located in the upper-rear portion of Otto Franks business at 263 Prinsengracht. Miep Gies, her husband Jan, and three other employees of Opetka all helped feed and protect the hiding families. Life in the Annex On July 13, 1942 (seven days after the Franks arrived in the Annex), the van Pels family (called the van Daans in Annes published diary) arrived at the Secret Annex to live. The van Pels family included Auguste van Pels (Petronella van Daan), Hermann van Pels (Herman van Daan), and their son Peter van Pels (Peter van Daan). The eighth person to hide in the Secret Annex was the dentist Friedrich Fritz Pfeffer (called Albert Dussel in the diary), who joined them on November 16, 1942. Anne continued writing her diary from her 13th birthday on June 12, 1942, until August 1, 1944. Much of the diary is about the cramped and stifling living conditions as well as the personality conflicts between the eight that lived together in hiding. Anne also wrote about her struggles with becoming a teenager. During the two years and one month that Anne lived in the Secret Annex, she wrote regularly about her fears, hopes, and character. She felt misunderstood by those around her and was constantly trying to better herself. Discovered and Arrested Anne was 13 years old when she went into hiding and was 15 when she was arrested. On the morning of August 4, 1944, an SS officer and several Dutch Security Police members pulled up to 263 Prinsengracht around 10 or 10:30 a.m. They went directly to the bookcase that hid the door to the Secret Annex and pried it open. All eight people living in the Secret Annex were arrested and taken to Westerbork camp in the Netherlands. Annes diary lay on the ground and was collected and safely stored by Miep Gies later that day. On September 3, 1944, Anne and everyone who had been hiding were put on the very last train leaving Westerbork for Auschwitz. At Auschwitz, the group was separated and several were soon transported to other camps. Death Anne and Margot were transported to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp at the end of October 1944. In late February or early March of the following year, Margot died of typhus, followed just a few days later by Anne, also from typhus. Bergen-Belsen was liberated on April 12, 1945. Legacy Miep Gies saved Annes diary after the families were arrested and returned it to Otto Frank when he came back to Amsterdam following the war. This is the legacy of your daughter Anne, she said as she gave him the documents. Otto recognized the literary strength and the importance of the diary as a document that bore witness to the first-hand experience of Nazi persecution. The book was published in 1947 and has been translated into 70 languages and is considered to be a world classic. Successful stage and film adaptations have been made of the book. The Diary of Anne Frank (also known as Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl) is understood by historians to be especially important because it shows the horrors of the Nazi occupation through the eyes of a young girl. The Anne Frank House museum in Amsterdam is a major tourist spot that brings global visitors closer to understanding this period of history. Sources Frank, Anne. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. Doubleday, 1967.â€Å"The Publication of the Diary.† Anne Frank Website.United States Holocaust Memorial Museumï » ¿.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Affordability Problem Of Washington State - 1709 Words
The affordability problem is across all states and largely affects the working wage earners and below.(Housing Needs Assessment, 2015 booklet page 297) This is because throughout the nation there is a large differences between minimum wage, housing wage, and the affordable units available. As noted earlier in the essay, King County is experiencing a huge affordable housing Crisis. The 2015 Housing Needs Assessment indicated that there are only 28 affordable units for every 100 extremely cost burden families. Washington State is short in 166,058 affordable units, 2015. With Seattle economy and populations growing each year these affordable units are necessary to maintain the working class. In many states such as Washington, the housing wage is twice as much as the minimum wage per hour creating a population of cost burdened residents. In the state of Washington there are 353,472 households that are severely cost burdened creating a large gap between the 100,098 affordable units that are available creating the 253,375 units still needed. To afford a market priced two bedroom apartment in Washington, an individual needs to work 115 hours a month with a minimum wage $ 9.47 to pay the average rent of $1089 per month. (Housing Development, 2015 page 2015) The difference between minimum wage and housing wage is even more distinct in King County and Seattle. King County minimum wage is $11 per hour with a housing wage of $27.21 per hour. For working wage individuals in SeattleShow MoreRelatedEssay on Food Security in the Democratic Republic of Congo852 Words  | 4 Pagesrise (Knoema Atlas , 2012). In this poor country it is expected that it has a high poverty rate and it does, with over 70% of the population living in poverty (Central Intelligence Agency (US), 2013). 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Paragliding Gliding and Foot-launched Glider Aircraft Free Essays
Paragliding Paragliding is the recreational and competitive adventure sport of flying paragliders: lightweight, free-flying, foot-launched glider aircraft. The pilot sits in a harness suspended below a hollow fabric wing whose shape is formed by its suspension lines, the pressure of air entering in the front of the wing and the forces of the air flowing over the outside. Despite not using an engine, paraglider flights can last many hours and cover many hundreds of kilometres, though flights of 1-2 hours and covering some tens of kilometres are more the norm. We will write a custom essay sample on Paragliding: Gliding and Foot-launched Glider Aircraft or any similar topic only for you Order Now By skilful exploitation of sources of lift the pilot may gain height, often climbing to a few thousand metres over the surrounding countryside. Paragliders are unique among soaring aircraft in being easily portable. The complete equipment packs into a rucksack and can be carried easily on the pilot’s back[2], in a car, or on public transport. In comparison with other air sports this substantially simplifies travel to a suitable take off spot, the selection of a landing place and return travel. Paragliding is related to the following activities: Hang gliding is a close cousin, and hang glider and paraglider launches are often found in proximity. [3] Despite the considerable difference in equipment the two activities offer similar pleasures and some pilots are involved in both sports. †¢ Powered paragliding is the flying of paragliders with a small engine attached. †¢ Speed riding or speed flying is the separate sport of flying paragliders of reduced size. These wings have increased speed, though they are not normally capable of soaring flight. The sport involves taking off on skis or on foot and swooping rapidly down in close proximity to the slope, even periodically touching it if skis are used. †¢ Paragliding can be of local importance as a commercial activity. [4][5] Paid accompanied tandem flights are available in many mountainous regions, both in the winter and in the summer. In addition there are many schools offering courses,[6] and guides who lead groups of more experienced pilots exploring an area. Finally there are the manufacturers and the associated repair and after sales services. How to cite Paragliding: Gliding and Foot-launched Glider Aircraft, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Success of Tyler Perry free essay sample
The Success of Tyler Perry Tyler Perry grew up living with his parents in New Orleans. Once he became grown he moved to Atlanta, Georgia. Tyler knew that black people were very successful in Atlanta. Tyler Perry was hoping to be a play writer. In the process of trying to become a play writer, he went from being homeless, to being recognized, to being successful. In the move to Atlanta, life was not easy for Tyler Perry. He would land jobs in small supermarkets, so he could save money to put towards his first production. He had written a play called â€Å"I’ve been changed. †Finally he had saved up enough money for the production of the play. First, Tyler rented a small theatre that seated 215 people. Second, he had auditions and found his cast, but on opening night only 30 people showed up. Tyler lost everything. He had put every dime he had into that play. We will write a custom essay sample on The Success of Tyler Perry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Tyler Perry had become homeless, he had nothing to eat and he was sleeping in his car. His mother pleaded with him to come back home, but he refused. He was determined to do his play. For the next seven years he did plays and they would fail. He said â€Å"This is what God wants me to do. Tyler Perry had made up in his mind to try one his plays one last time. This time he would do it different. The first steps to his success were when he visited several black churches to learn the style of the different choirs, to observe the congregation, and of course, to listen to the preacher. He took all that he learned to the stage. On opening night he was afraid and wanted to quit. Tyler Perry quoted, â€Å"At that moment I heard God clear as day, I tell you when it’s over you don’t tell me, go look out the window. When Tyler went to look out of the window the line was around the corner, as it was each night. After that Tyler Perry was recognized across the east coast. That was the beginning of his success. Over the years he did plays across the east coast. His second step to success was when he came up with the character Madea, everyone wanted to see his plays. His shows were always sold out. Tyler was not stopping there, he wanted to make movies. The only problem was he was not heard of on the west coast. Whatever play Tyler Perry does there is always a message to learn from. However, studios in Hollywood said he would have to tone the messages down if he wanted to make movies, but Tyler would not compromise. He ended up in a partnership with a small production company called Lionsgate Studios. That was his third and major step to his success. Tyler Perry went from making movies to producing sitcoms for network television. Tyler Perry reached his fame. He is rich and successful. Tyler is an actor, an entrepreneur, and he is still acting to this very day. The man never let his situation stop him from succeeding. â€Å"What sets the survivors apart is their resilience- the ability to endure and even thrive under stressful conditions. †Alice Lesch Kelly (232). Tyler Perry had to jump over many hurdles in order to be a successful man. Every step he took to rise to the top he took them in stride. He wanted to give up but he did not because of his faith in God. Works Cited Kelly Lesch, Alice. Toughen Up! . Hall, Kim Flachmann and Michael. The Prose Reader. Boston: Ninth edition Prentice Hall, 2011. 231-232.
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