Thursday, November 28, 2019
Nazi consolidation of power in 1933 was primarily due to the use of terror and violence free essay sample
Certainly terror and violence can be said to have played an integral part in bringing about the Nazis consolidation of power, as violence was such an important part of Nazism and was never far from the surface. However there were also other factors such as legality, tactical alliances and the successful use of propaganda which in effect contributed a vast amount to the Nazis consolidation of power, the Nazis deployed propaganda effectively as a means of deceiving the political nation of their real intentions and significances of their actions, which ultimately led to their consolidation of power. Terror and violence were prominent factors in allowing the Nazis to consolidate power in 1933, for the reason that violence still had an impact on political developments, even the negotiations between Hitler, Von Papen and Hindenburg took place against the backdrop of well publicized acts of SA brutality. In May 1933 SA members stormed trade union headquarters and disbanded it. We will write a custom essay sample on Nazi consolidation of power in 1933 was primarily due to the use of terror and violence or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This violence led many leaders of the SPD to flee abroad and in June its party was officially banned and the 3000 that remained were arrested and a number were killed. This ultimately portrays the brutality of the Nazis, which effectively contributed to their consolidation of power. After the Reichstag fire the police were given the powers to detain suspects indefinitely without reference to the courts. The decree ‘For the protection of the people and the state’ was used to justify the arrest, imprisonment and often torture of thousands of political opponents, and on 23 March 1933 Hitler presented the Enabling Act to an intimidated Reichstag in order to consolidate Nazi power. The Reichstag passed laws which voted itself out of existence; the communists were barred from voting. The brutality of the Nazis bought Hitler four years of a dictatorship. The Nazis managed to use terror with efficient ruthlessness and after the Enabling Act was the destruction of local state government; state governments were dissolved and ordered to reconvene with membership that reflected the recent, by the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service, Jews and political opponents of the Nazis were thrown out of the civil service.? The enabling act gave Hitler dictatorial powers which consequently led to the opening of Dachau, a concentration camp outside Munich, where the Nazi’s political prisoners were held in ‘protective custody’. It also gave Hitler the power to suspend civil rights, removing the free press, freedom of speech and the right to freedom of association. It further gave Hitler the power to harass and attack the KPD and the SPD during the March 1933 elections. Political violence during this stage enabled the Nazis to win a record 43. 5% of the popular vote. This therefore highlights how the Nazis used terror as a way of consolidating power, as well as highlighting how the enabling act was one of the main reasons for the Nazis consolidation of power. This is because it allowed Hitler to gain dictatorial power by imprisoning his opponents, rigging elections and suspending civil rights.? Propaganda was another important tool for the consolidation of power. As Goebbels was largely responsible for bringing Hitler to the centre of the political stage, he was rewarded on 13 March 1933, with the position of Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, which gave him total control of the communications media which was the radio, press, publishing, cinema and the other arts. From this, a new generation of manipulation was brought forth. Once the takeover was complete, the propaganda ministry was split up into several different departments. Anyone, who produced, distributed, broadcasted, published, or sold any form of cinema, media, press, or literature had to first join one of the departments and then follow all rules of the department head. That person was usually Joseph Goebbels. Therefore, without a license to practise their businesses, all artists, writers, publishers, producers, or directors could not work or do any business in their field. Also along with these guidelines, came the prohibition of all Jewish newspapers, radio, and cinema. Certainly, due to the eradication of anti-Nazi publications and media in general, the public must have felt that the general mood of all the media was pro-Nazi. Therefore by disagreeing they would step out of the public mood, and the terror of not conforming due to the total propaganda they were subjected to contributed greatly to the consolidation of power in Nazi Germany. This terror was accentuated further by direct acts of rebellion against the old order, such as the book burning during the spring of 1933. ? Goebbels’ propaganda portrayed the government’s actions as necessary to deal with a national emergency. Potsdam Day, which featured not just Hindenburg and Hitler, but also many generals, was an orchestrated piece of propaganda, aimed at demonstrating the unity and popularity of the government and the acceptance of the Nazis by traditional conservative elements. Following the success of the Nazis and Conservatives in the Reichstag elections, Potsdam Day was propagandized as a ‘day of national unity’. Hitler and Hindenburg appeared before huge crowds together to send out the message of Nazi and conservative unity, which ultimately legitimized Nazi rule. To conclude, it appears that the Nazi’s use of terror and violence played a highly significant role in the consolidation of the party’s power in 1933. Through extreme measures of propaganda and intimidation, the party was able to deal with political opponents to maintain control of people’s social, political and working lives, to the extent where Germany became a country where it was unsafe to do or say anything critical of the government. Although not all propaganda was designed for intimidation, the way Hitler consolidated power in 1933made people fearful of opposing him, granting the Nazis absolute control of national and local government.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Censorship of Pornography
Censorship of Pornography The Ethical Case For and Against Censorship of Pornography The controversy surrounding pornography is complicated not only by a lack of agreement on whether pornography should be allowed in our society, but also by a basic disagreement over what is included in the definition of pornography. Emotions run high and scientific rigour falls aside where it comes to studies of the effect of pornography, the use of these studies in mass media and in academic debates. Sifting through mountains of rhetoric can be confusing, when few entering the debate can even agree on what pornography is, much less what are its corrosive effects. The first task of this paper, therefore, shall be to begin at the beginning, and clarify the differing definitions or idea about pornography that are at play in recent academic debates. Secondly, we will examine the arguments for and against pornography, be it by way of censorship or not. We will want to pay particular attention to the way in which one argument (that of American feminist Mackinnon and Dworkin) are mischarac terized and misunderstood, and why. Finally, we will look at the underlying assumptions of ethical systems that are being used here as points of reference; I will argue that much of the disagreement about this issue is due to the fact that the various sides (and there are far more than two) are appealing to wildly different (and perhaps incompatible) ethical systems. On the one hand, there are those that appeal to utilitarianism, while others appeal to an individualistic, existentialist ethics. Let us begin, then, with the very different ways that pornography is characterized and defined. In popular parlance (and many of the arguments depend on this commonly held conception) pornography means materials that are sexual in nature, usually in a way that is offensive to one self or the mainstream public. Proof of this position, as well as of its hypocrisy, lies with the fact that much of art in the Western tradition that which is displayed in museums – depicts sexually explicit material. There is no question that this is art, not pornography. The second common distinction is one that is drawn between pornography and erotica. As described by Nettie Pollard in her article, The Modern Pornography Debates, qualifying as erotica are representations of a sexually explicit nature, but which are not violent or degrading to women; pornography, on the other hand is harmful because it is violent or sexually degrading to women. This distinction is murky, however, because sometimes the distinction is mean to signal the difference between visual materials (pornography includes the Greek term graphe, or visual representation), whereas erotica is then used to refer to written materials describing erotic acts. This last way of delineating the matter appeals to the belief that whereas pornography appeals to men because their sexuality is more visual, erotica appeals to women’s more internal and intellectual connection to sexuality. However, any feminist worth her salt would refuse both distinctions as being false. Why? Because in either case, the division between erotica (good) and pornography (bad) is just a way of distinguishing the erotic and sexually explicit materials that you find acceptable with that which you do not find acceptable. The problem is that, in trying to censor pornography, no one wants to have to ban any and all erotically or sexually explicit materials (we all think Michelangelos David is beautiful), but only some. But then, that means that someone has to make a call, draw the line between good and bad sexualities (and their representations). That we should be more preoccupied with punishing bad representations, not what they represent, seems to escape the debate; why you should not get flogged for producing boring or canned pornography? It is specifically in order to capture only the morally reprehensible depictions of sex that McKinnon and Dworkin carefully re-defined pornography as a practice of sex discrimination which sexualizes the subordination of women and which eroticizes violence against women: as a political practice of power and powerlessness which eroticizes dominance and submission. (As quoted in Pollard, 2). This definition is important, first of all, because it re-describes pornography as a practice. McKinnon, who is both a feminist and an attorney, understood what she was doing when she did this. She sought, specifically, to bypass the debate over pornography in terms of censorship, and claims to first amendment rights (in America). Even though Mackinnon and Dworkin are often misrepresented as being in the pro-censorship camp (such as in the article by Avedon Carol entitled The Harm of Porn: Just Another Excuse to Censor), they were explicitly and firmly against censorship, and saw this as a dead end in their attempt to curtail violent or harmful pornography. Their ordinance (proposed, passed, then overturned in Minneapolis, MN) took pornography to be a practice that produced harms to women in particular, harms that individual women were not able to mitigate against; secondly, their ordinance sought to make it possible for women to gain the right to litigate against the harms of pornography in a court of law– that is, to sue the producers and distributors of violent pornography for inciting or causing violence against them in particular, or as a class of people, in the case of a class action suit. If those impacted by violent pornography (and not just women) could show, in a court a law, a link between th e consumption of pornography and a crime committed against them. (I suspect that Carol understands this, as she leaves the matter vague, only implying Mackinnon and Dworkins support of censorship). MacKinnon and Dworkins strategy had other strengths built in: it was meant to bi-pass a generation of faulty scientific research on the subject, as described by Carol in her previously mentioned article. It sought to not have to have feminists making the call between what is good and bad pornography, by waiting to make this call on the effects of particular representations. Finally, it was meant to put financial pressure on the producers of pornography to make pornography that was not violent nor degrading to women. But the beauty of the ordinance was that it did not rely on gender specificity – under the same ordinance, producers of pornography putting minors or even men at risk would be liable to a negative judgment and (hopefully) resulting in bankruptcy. In any case, as many feminists pointed out at the time, there are already laws against the rape, torture, mutilation, and un-consented to acts against women; censoring their representations does little to address these pro blems. As the Americans say, the proof would have to be found in the pudding. This is not to say that there where not feminists who were rallying against porn in the late seventies and early eighties, and that they did not become the voice that came to represent the feminist position in mainstream media representations of the debate, such as is described by Carol. Arguable, the misrepresentation of McKinnon and Dworkin as being in the censorship camp is as gross a misrepresentation (serving the same interests) as the misrepresentation of the feminist position as naturally anti-porn. Perhaps the reason for both distortions has to do with the fact that it was this conservative (and liberal in the traditional sense) group of feminist who most resonated with the puritanical American mainstream – what Pollard calls the moralist position, or the traditional, conservative critique of pornography (Pollard, 2) that has sought scientific evidence as grounds for suspending the first amendment rights of some through censorship. The attempt to find scientific grounds for making the call between good and bad representations of sex is well explained in Avedon Carol’s piece on The Harm of Porn. She explains how a generation of right-wing, moralist men, beginning with Dolf Zillman and not ending with Edward Donnerstien, attempted to find a connection between violence and anti-social behavior, and the consumption of pornographic images. The story of Donnerstein connecting the higher pulse rates and skin temperature of young men viewing pornography (and here the irony that in order to work against it, these poor moralists had to expose themselves repeatedly to the corrupting materials!) to a preparatory towards committing violence (Carol, 2-3). The studies would be humorous, had then not been taken so seriously and cast such a long shadow. But then the question becomes, why did these studies stick; why do so many even today believe there is a link between pornography and violence (the link often being made through representations of S/M)? People believe what they already want to believe, and the mainstream of America and British people are puritanical. But perhaps there is more to it†¦. There always have been, and always will be, women whose relation to sex and their own sexualities makes it inconceivable to accept what others might enjoy, represent, and respond to sexually. They are often posited as opposed to libertarians and sex radicals, but in reality there is no clear cut opposition between these groups and positions. That is, it is possible for a radical lesbian separatist who feels it is her duty to violate societal norms of decency by not only sleeping with women, but by sleeping regularly with more than one , who nonetheless finds pornography loathsome, and who acts much like the Christian church lady in her activism around censoring mainstream pornography. So, now, lets look at the moralist position that pornography threatens the moral order. In the extreme, this position is like a no avatars position – sex should not be seen, period. This could be based on the view that sex is dirty and shameful, and that sexuality should only be in the service of reproduction within the context of monogamous heterosexual marriage, and these are usually reasons given. Or, more plausible to this writer, it could be that explicit representations of sex never looks like what it feels, and so carries with it a necessary air of corruption and falsity. (It follows that in order to truly represent sex, desire, or ecstasis, the last thing that you would represent would be sex acts, which means that a ban on the representation of sex and sexuality would take us far and wide indeed.) Not unlike the argument that Plato gives in The Republic against artists and playwrights, this is also the reason why some religions forbid the representations of God, as necessary falsifying.) Unfortunately, there representations are often produced by an for men, and are often used as a stand in for sexual education; when young men learn to value sex for what it looks like, and by extension to value women by what they look like, then I cannot deny that we have a problem. Additionally, there is the larger problem that the representation of sex is itself a sexual practice that cannot help but habituate and homogenize sexual behaviors. So, the charge of corruption sticks, but not for the reasons that are usually given; it is worth mentioning, however, that the rote reason given (that it threatens the social order) is grounded in these latter reasons, even if these reasons are assumed and not made explicit by those who see themselves as living a morally upright existence. The moral right tends to get lazy when it comes to having to actually make an argument. Still, many of the more conservative arguments from feminist have to do not with how pornography may corrupt human sexuality – women and mens but with the alleged hard it does to women – the view that is attribute to the British government by Pollard (Pollard, 1). The effect and impact of pornography (violent or not, degrading of women or not) on women is different than it is on men, yet no feminist has tried to make these differences explicit. Furthermore, that this harm is like the concept of race – no such thing exists, but it continues to shape our beliefs and behaviors – seems not to destroy the case of those who seek to censor pornography – both in America and Britain recent efforts have been stepped up to crack down on the makers of sexually explicit materials. We may want to ask, why not? It could be that the moralists can afford to be lazy with their arguments because they seem to have the strong arm of the law, and the force of long custo m, on their side. Andrea Dworkin and Catherine McKinnon’s re-definition of pornography in terms of a practice that causes harm, ironically, opened a new avenue for those who sought to censor lewd materials. The argument addressed by Andrew Koppleman (Does Obscenity Cause Moral Harm?) and Rae Langton and Caroline West (Scorekeeping in a Pornographic Language Game) goes like this: if pornography is a practice, and to practice something entails action, then pornography is close to action. (There are also arguments about the performative aspect of language that get aligned with this argument, e.g., pornography as speech, and more specifically hate speech.) Actions have consequences and effect, and the effect of pornography is generally harm to women who are degraded in and by pornographic representations; it silences and subordinates women in the way that racially hateful or homophobic speech affects those marked racially or by way of perceived sexual preference. As Langton and Rae point out, neith er the older theory that pornography rationally conditions violence, not irrationally has the same effect; but what is the point of this distinction when the harm caused by pornography cannot be proved by the means that we usually accept – that is, by scientific means. The best chance of proving and establishing this link may have been with McKinnon’s ordinance (by legal precedence), but this attempt was turned back by the court. And, if we are to look at effect, the effect of all this talk of censoring pornography has only led to its growth and popularity. Maybe the best way to beat the probably real but improvable harms of porn is to beat it – to make better, less harmful, maybe even empowering representations. Let the marketplace decide this issue, as it decides everything else. Perhaps it will not be surprising that those on the opposite liberal, left, or radical edge of the debate over pornography rely on assumptions so similar as those on the right as to be indistinguishable. One line of reasoning goes like this: sex and sexuality is at the core of individual identity, and the attempt to foreclose its expression, irregardless of how much we like or dislike any given expression, is dehumanizing. Some women may be exploited in the sex industry, or by their husbands, or by their bosses at work. The law recognizes limits to women being exploited. Ironically, what developed from the attempt to censor pornography in modern times has been a rather large discourse on pornography and sexuality that has only helped the industry grow by leaps and bounds, become less taboo and more accepted, and diversify into pornography made by women and for women. There is now consensus that the voices that used to dominate in the feminist movement, voices against pornography and in favor of censorship, have become less powerful; the new feminists are pro-sex and for its representation. This does not mean that any and all sexualities should be protected from censorship. We can still, as a society, disallow materials that are harmful to minors, or which results in negligent hard done to anyone in the course of its being made. Other than this, if you don’t’ like S/M, then you should not expose yourself to these materials. This debate over pornography strikes me as a lot of smoke and mirror, with sides talking past each other because they dont agree on what they are talking about to begin with, not seeing how much grounds there is for agreement, and each relying on faulty evidence and lazy reasoning. But in the end, it may be that the real differences may lie with the basic ethical assumptions behind the impulse to deal with pornography through censorship or by other means: Those who want to make the harm argument rely on a universal utilitarian paradigm that shows that he harms of pornography outweighs the need to protect the first Amendment Rights of pornographers, or vice versa (that pornography should not be censored because it is not worth the sacrifice in restricting freedom of speech). IF this is the case, then the debate becomes about the perceived harms and goods, and the means of measuring and balancing these. Those who enter into the debate on these terms assume that society has the right an d responsibility to create balance. (The libertarian believes the free market naturally restores and maintains the balance.) But the debate is also being had under completely different assumptions and on another plain. The existentialist and individualistic tendencies (of Americans in particular) lead to the assumption that id sexuality is a core around which individuals can come to define their identities, then to limit the expression of such by any means is to do metaphysical harm to the individual, who is the seat of morality (and not the government or society at large). The existentialist would not grant government or the market any role in the debate, only good and bad faith. It is a matter of scale: do moral questions get made by individuals who chose to participate in the pornography industry (be it as consumers, models, filmmakers, artists, distributors, etc.) or is morality a matter of social convention – or, of a yet higher force. In the end, the ethical case for or against censorship of pornographic materials comes down to this: to the incompatibility not of positions pro or con, but of ethical systems.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Why is money supply not under the tight control of central banks Essay - 2
Why is money supply not under the tight control of central banks - Essay Example spite this clear relationship between money supply and banks, there are other factors that influence the control of national and international money supply and take away the full control of banks; these include personal account holders, foreign investors and various businesses and corporations. Ancient Babylonian records dating from the 18th century BC show that a rudimentary form of banking was established at that time (Leick 161). Although these early storehouses could not necessarily equate with modern banks, they did serve the purpose of storage of wealth in the form of grain, gold and other valuables. From these immense storehouses, people chose to lend and borrow based on agreements made on a person-to-person basis. Financial relationships such as these expanded in the following centuries and we can see evidence of basic banking centres from the Greeks, the Egyptians and Romans. As banking progressed, the idea of storing wealth became more complicated as people tried to decide of fair ways of paying back loans on various items (Smith 4). Seeds, which could reproduce and therefore become worth more in the end, would require an equal repayment that included interest; this was an idea that quickly took hold and has helped to define modern banking (Heichelheim 56). After the Roman Empire lost its power, banking actually became a derelict practise in most of Europe until centuries later. When it was revived in later years, banking gained the addition of one factor that would revolutionise it: hard currency (Butler et al 27). Currency became redeemable for actual products when prior to its advent, financial exchanges were completed with the end product already in hand (for example, gold exchanged for a certain amount of grain, or grain for eggs). Currency became the primary source of finance instead of a mere representation of ‘true’ finance; based on currency, interest rates and the need for people to store their wealth away safely, banks were
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Karl Max Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Karl Max - Essay Example Karl Max Karl Max happens to be one of the most eminent and riveting sociological philosopher this world has ever seen and his sociological ideas are still appreciated among millions of people around the globe. In this excerpt, the writer sets out to make the readers realize why the various precious works of Max need to be thoroughly analyzed once again with a new spirit, and why his certain ideas are sadly misunderstood among various people. The writer has mentioned an array of innovative ideas as to how people manage in attributing different meanings to the various sociological theories of Max, and why any single authentic meaning cannot be extracted out of even a single paragraph from Max’s any work. Basically, the context in which the writer strives to convey the message is quite unique in its kind because the various ways illuminated in the text by the writer happen to be extremely successful in making the readers realize the bedrock of misunderstandings erupting from the complex philosophical works of Marx. It is easy to identify after reading the text that the key element of any work written by Max is the usage of extremely complex philosophical terms that are not only hard-to-get-familiar-with but, they are also used by Max himself in different ways in his own various works. This implies that if in one work, one certain term is employed by Max to convey any particular meaning then in the next work, he amazes and confuses the readers by using that same term for producing a totally different idea.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Price Leadership in Coffee Shops Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Price Leadership in Coffee Shops - Coursework Example All of these coffee shops have specific strategic moves for them to obtain substantial market share, competitive advantage and long-term existence in their industry. Their ultimate goal is to increase profitability, which is the bottom line. However, one of the obvious strategies that can be identified when it comes to how these coffee shops compete with each other is based through the price of their product offerings. The proponent visited these three coffee shops and recorded the recent prices of their product offerings which include Cappucino, Cafee Latte, Chai Latte, Americano, Mocha, Espresso, and Hot Chocolate. The actual raw data gathered by the proponent are shown in Appendix 1 to 3. Common product offerings among the three coffee shops are Cappucino, Cafee Latte, Americano, Mocha, Espresso and Hot Chocolate. Each of these product offerings has corresponding three kinds of prices namely for small, regular and large categories. The corresponding prices of each category of offerings are shown in Tables 1 to 3. For visual identification of differences in the respective prices of the offerings of the three coffee shops, a bar graph is used in plotting the raw data from Appendix 1 to 3. In most of the categories of product offerings from among the three coffee shops and as shown in the previous tables, Starbucks seems to be in the lead when it comes to pricing. From regular category of product offerings, Starbucks’ prices for its product offerings are relatively higher than those of Costa Coffee’s. The same trend is observed from regular to large category types of offerings. Starbucks relatively prevailed over than the prices of Costa Coffee and Caffe Nero. As stated earlier, Starbucks had more than 700 stores in 2009 and more than half of them are in London. This company is still growing and in fact, has dominated in its industry. The very proof is its
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Impacts Of Tourism In Okavango Delta Tourism Essay
Impacts Of Tourism In Okavango Delta Tourism Essay According to Kreag G. (2001) the impacts of tourism are distinguished in seven different types, these are economic, service, social and cultural, natural, community attitude, crowding and congestion and taxes. These impacts are not applicable with every community because the resources and conditions are may differ. Every coin has two sides, means these impacts can affect negatively or positively. Planning and the plans of management with their current implementation helps to increase positive tourism issues and decreases tourism issues (Algansadi, 2009). In economic term, tourism helps to maximize the opportunities of employment like more number of jobs starting from entry level caries low wedges to high professional level positions in management and industrial fields. In service term, increase in tourism helps to create more number of opportunities to rise and develop facilities. According to Andriotis K. (2009) in terms of community attitude, as tourism increases range of facilitie s are used by the local people. Tourism helps to create place more thrilling and exciting. As new development is done by outsiders, community culture is get affected. In terms of crowding and congestion, people come together and get attracted to amazing places. In terms of taxes, tourist spends more money on behalf of services from which value added tax is gained. According to Fennell (2008) in terms of social and cultural, it is in detail consideration of tourism consequence which can be the determinants or assets to the communities. Increase in number of tourist comes with their different values and affects the family life and individual behaviour. The close relation between tourist and the residents helps to create rise in opportunities. Positive impacts of social and cultural are, the education and training plays important role for local people to learn and enhance their qualification and skills which is significant in tourism industry also help trained staff in the organisations. It helps to increase the standard life of the local people with positive economic growth. Increase in tourist spending power help to increase income of local person (Chin C.,2010). It helps to raise investment with the buying process of food, dress, culture and ceremonies etc, which can create tourist interest in the local culture. Negative impacts of social and cultural affects, increase in smuggling, gambling, drinking of alcohol also with the increase in underage drinking, rise in prostitution, drugs and crime. It affects lifestyle, culture, and most important language. Increase in the tourism area affects local residents. There is a negative impact on customs and values of local people (Kreag G., 2001). In terms of natural, the areas of natural resources like oceans, waterfall, wildlife forests increases tourist attraction and new residents who loves the natural environment. Generally clean industry is known as tourism industry, hotels, parks, restaurants, shops are comes under that except factories. The historical and museums get preserved (Kreag G., 2001). Positive impacts as it work as a catalyst to preserve natural area also helps to gain economic benefits. Forests are preserved. The ecotourism is maintained which protects and preserve selected natural environment, also gain economic benefits of tourism development and reduces the impact on environment (Andereck K. L., 1993). Natural system also have negative effects like, it strongly affects on air and water pollution also sedimentation effects with demonising the forests for the tourist services (Kreag G., 2001). Flora and fauna has deep researched on wild life which includes mammals and birds arises the hunting and trapping a ctivities increases also the marine life is get affected when toxic waste water runoff in sea. The soil and beaches are get damaged with the skies, cars, feet, horse etc. Oil refining situated in coastal areas with the water pollution and destruction. Solid waste major effects on soil and air pollution recycle and reusable helps to minimize the pollution (Mukherjee and Abir, 2008). Okavango Delta is the amazing tourist place situated in north-western part of Botswana. Its a home of wildlife where most of the tourist comes for photography and safari hunter. Annually, on average 50,000 tourists visit this place (Mbaiwa J., 2002). Tourism development has boost to create and enhance facilities like hotels, camps, airports, communication services, etc in region. This development has impacts on environment and socio culture of region (Mbaiwa J., 2004). In positive aspect, the region major land is used for tourism development with helping local people to increase benefits from developing of natural resources and wildlife. Local people created an institution known as Community based Organisation (CBOs) which help for tourism development and natural resource management. Institute distribute work in small parts, like Khawai Community works on cutting of thatching grass and see it to the lodges in Delta, similarly others also choose their parts. This helps to empowermen t of local community in region. 2) Tourism development widely creates employment which benefits for the financial development. Opportunities in jobs like accommodation services, tourism business, management, tour operators, etc. The company like Scot Wilson Consultants gave jobs to people in 20 safari campuses (Mbaiwa J., 2002).As all the local communities has only create jobs and opportunities instead of depending on other companies. 3) Cultural rejuvenations promote tourism with their traditionally created products, services, shops, craft industries, etc which provides cultural services to the tourist to know cultural ways. The Mekoro Safaris and basket production are the major known businesses over there. The safaris are created like the dug in a wood, which use for transport and for hunting crocodiles and hippos. The basket production is their traditional business, which helps to generate more profit from the tourists as market comes to their home. 4) Positive approach among th e local people, for development of tourism and conservation of wildlife helps to develop tourism and social economic benefits from tourist arrivals (Mbaiwa J., 2004). According to Mbaiwa (2002) as negative aspect, tourism industry developed in Okavango Delta is largely owned and managed by internationals and developed in remote areas. The financial rates are so high that all services and goods beyond the local community richness. Major profit in earned by international companies and the margined income of the local people is low. The facilities are provided with which the tourist is comfortable. Most of the camps are run by Hospitality and Tourism Association with the international membership. 2) Racism development in tourism industry of Okavango Delta refers to relationship between black and white people. Management levels are occupied by whites, pay scale and benefits are very low for blacks (Fennell A., 2008). 3) Relations and structure of family is affecting by tourism. Foreign companies growing lodges and camps, less space to live local people accept wildness part. Relocate people affects their landmarks and relations. Working period of worke rs affects relationship with family and this impact on increases in HIV/ADIS spread. 3) Tourism and urbanisation put wide negative impact on social culture. The costumes and styles affect relationships. Prostitution is growing in most of the developing countries as urbanisation develops most impacts on local people. Tourism is the major economic sector, which increases in crime with illegal activities like drugs, violence and robberies (Mbaiwa, 2002, 2004). Thus, looking back at the easy, tourism is growing rapidly dealing with positive and negative impacts on the tourist place. Increasing infrastructure put impacts on natural system. Its positive image is excellent for people but the negative image affects culture. Mainly socio cultural positive impact helps to development of tourist destination. Tourism helps to maintain nature and its components. Also it helps to create place attractive and thrilling. Development of tourism increases job opportunities. Positive impact of social culture help local people to educate with training, improves life standards and maintain their culture. Negative side effects mostly on diverse economic and culture, rise in crime, place issues, illegal behaviour. Tourism is developing in Okavango Delta with combining positive and negative social cultural impacts on local people. Its positive impacts helps to develop destination mainly community based tourism. Participating local people helps to generate income and employment by self. Mekoro Safaries and Basket making helps to preserve their own culture. Tourism help local people to get international market at their place. Its negative social impacts affect on quality life of local people. Its important to focus on these impacts by all stakeholders of industry. The camps should be promoted but should not owned by international. The local people should get first preference in management jobs and there should be law to prevent racism.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Leader-Follower Relationship :: leadership, motivation theories
Leadership is studied and analysed so that the effective practices can be taught and applied in today’s organizations. The concept of leadership has been expanded to discuss the follower’s role in the leader-follower relationship. While leading is often considered an active role, following can have a negative connotation, especially when seen as a passive, subordinate position. However, following can be a choice, and the difference between the leader and follower is the activities, rather than abilities (Wren, p.201). An organization possesses effective followers is just as important for success as having effective leaders. Hersey and Blanchard describe this relationship as dynamic and use Situational Leadership (R) as a model for the leader’s to improve the performance of their followers. Manz and Sims describe a historical view of leader types which has evolved to view the superleader as the most effective type for our current culture. The role of the superleader is to empower followers to become self-leaders themselves. The Situational Leadership model may contain the word â€Å"Leadership†, but it is mostly about effective management practices and does not address developing the role of the follower. There is a difference between managing and leading. In Managerial Roles, H. Mintzberg describes 10 roles, grouped under the categories of interpersonal, informational and decision roles, that a manager should posses. An effective leader should have those skills as well, in addition to having an overall vision, clearly communicating those goals and motivating their followers to work towards it (Wren, p.378). Leadership is also about directing change. Without change, leadership is only management of the status quo (MacNeil, Cavanagh, Silcox, p.6). There is nothing wrong with begin a successful manager, just as there is much value to be an effective follower. The role of the follower and subordinate is very different in terms of ability and choice. Subordinates are considered passive, lacking in initiative and responsibility. The image of sheep comes to mind, where as followers are more active, and engage in more critical thinking (Wren, p.195). Robert Kelley further describes the effective followers have good self-management skills, abilities and motivation, which are exactly the same qualities apparent in effective leaders. That relationship between leader and follower is defined by the role they play, since an effective follower has the skills to switch positions with the leader.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Jeff Koons and Unknown Artist Essay
Michael Jackson and Bubbles by Jeff Koons and Painted Sarcophagus Hanunia Tlesnasa by an unknown artist both have subjects that are reclining in similar positions. Michael Jackson and his chimpanzee, Bubbles are dressed in suits that are similar to the Sergeant Pepper uniforms of the Beatles. Jackson is in a combination of sitting/reclining position leaning back on his arm with his hand on the floor for support. His back leg is raised with his foot on the floor while his other leg is bent and but completely resting on the floor. Bubbles is resting in his lap while leaning into his owner. Jackson is has one arm gently placed around the chimp. They are sitting on the blossoms of many flowers and several of the flowers are placed randomly on the two subjects. Painted Sarcophagus Hanunia Tlesnasa is of a large woman with what would be considered today as masculine features. She has her back leg raised with her front leg bent and completely resting on the floor. Her elbow is holding her in a sitting position while propped on a pillow and the hand of that arm is holding an open mirror. The other hand is holding back the long white covering her head. Her dark hair is pulled back and up. Her dress is loose and flowing yet cinched at the waist with a golden cord. She is resting on a Sarcophagus that is decorated with blooms of a large flowers and columns. Painted Sarcophagus Hanunia Tlesnasa has a medium of terracotta and she is painted with the dye like paint that was used during that time period. The terracotta was chosen by the unknown sculpture because that is what type of material a sarcophagus would be made. It was a perfect medium to hold a body and to decorate as well. Michael Jackson and Bubbles is made of ceramic porcelain. While this medium is fragile, it was probably chosen for its easy molding and the sheen after it has been in the kiln. Paint is also very durable when it is baked on the porcelain. Painted Sarcophagus Hanunia Tlesnasa is from the Etruscan Artistic Period. This period is even before the ancient Roman time in northern Italy. This civilization just disappeared so their origins are still a mystery. They did leave behind many pieces of art and the ruins of their architecture. Many of their works of art that survived were their burial and crematory containers and Painted Sarcophagus Hanunia Tlesnasa is a perfect example of the time in which it was sculpted. Both the Painted Sarcophagus Hanunia Tlesnasa and Michael Jackson and Bubbles have the formal element of color. Michael Jackson and Bubbles has a predominant gold and white color that dominate the sculpture. The eyes of both subjects are black and their lips are shocking red, but these colors seem to fade into oblivion when contrasted with the gold. Painted Sarcophagus Hanunia Tlesnasa is white also predominantly white and gold except that there is more white whereas in the other sculpture has more gold. The fact that the subject’s hair is brown stands out since it everything else surrounding it is white. The pillow where she rests her arm is reddish brown, yet unlike the hair, it is hard to discern. The flowers on the sarcophagus are also of a reddish brown and the columns are a dark gold. I chose Michael Jackson and Bubbles by Jeff Koons sculpted in nineteen eighty-eight and Painted Sarcophagus Hanunia Tlesnasa sculpted in one hundred and forty B. C. by the unknown artist more because I did not like them instead of admiration. I particularly did not like Michael Jackson and Bubbles because of the subject. I always thought that Michael Jackson was an overrated musician, then I felt that he was more famous for his weirdness than his talent. I know that he was not convicted of child molestation, but through his interviews, I felt that he was inappropriate behavior, so it is hard to get past the subject of this sculpture. However, I did try really hard to look at the value of Koons’ work. I felt that the there was too much gold for a realistic affect. I came to the conclusion that the gold was symbolic of how money could allow a man who obviously needs help to thrive in a society that accepts anything from people with money. I did not feel that I would like the subject of Painted Sarcophagus Hanunia Tlesnasa if I had known her. Her countenance and position seem to portray an air of arrogance. They both displease me because of the unlikable feel of the subjects and Michael Jackson and Bubbles leave me with a feeling of disgust because of Jackson. Bubbles has nothing to do with the reason that I feel negatively about the sculpture. Works Cited Delahunt, Michael. Artlex. com 10, November 2008 http://www. artlex. com
Friday, November 8, 2019
Anyone Can Learn to Play This Guitar in Minutes
Anyone Can Learn to Play This Guitar in Minutes Practice, practice, practice. If you want to become good at anything, theres no getting around those three words. Musicians, of course, know this all too well. Research has shown that trained violinists and pianists typically put in an average of 10,000 hours before they can be considered elite performers. For the rest of us with far less lofty aspirations, there are popular rhythm-based video games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band that are much easier to pick up. The games also allow players to quickly get accustomed to rhythmic timing, notes as well as some of the dexterity necessary to play drums, bass, and other instruments. Still, making the leap over to, say, actually playing the guitar, is entirely different. There’s just simply no substitute for the hours upon hours of practice necessary to master the finer subtleties of things like finger positioning and different picking techniques. The learning curve can often feel so steep that about 90 percent of beginners quit within the first year, according to Fender, a leading guitar brand.  That’s where technologically-enhanced instruments such as the MI Guitar comes in. Pitched as the guitar anyone can learn to play in mere minutes, the rhythmic guitar is something of a novice’s dream. Similar to Guitar Hero, it features a tactile electronic interface along the fretboard but is capable of expressing a wide range of chords. At the top, the guitar’s force-sensitive strings also allow users to generate chords with varying degrees of loudness, much like a real guitar. The Crowdfunding Project That Could Originally launched as a crowdfunding project on the crowdfunding website Indiegogo, the campaign raised a total of $412,286. The final product isn’t due to ship until late 2017, but early hands-on reviews of the latest prototype have generally been positive. A reviewer at Wired magazine praised the guitar as â€Å"totally fun and shockingly simple to use.†The Next Web echoed a similar sentiment, describing it as â€Å"great for quick jam sessions with friends, or using it to master the strumming portion first.†Brian Fan, founder and CEO of San Francisco-based startup Magic Instruments, came up with the idea after spending an entire summer trying to learn the guitar, with little progress. This despite having played the piano as a child and all the way through his musical training at The Juilliard School, one of the world’s most prestigious music conservatories. â€Å"I tried everything [to learn the guitar]. YouTube videos, learning guitars, gimmicks you name it,†he said. â€Å"The thing is you have to develop the motor skills and muscle memory for that particular instrument, which takes a lot of time. A lot of the time it felt like playing hand twister.†The first thing to know about the rhythmic guitar is that it bears only a superficial resemblance to a traditional string instrument. Like other sampler devices, users are limited to a series of pre-recorded digital sounds that play through the speaker. You won’t be able to perform hammer-ons, pull-offs, vibrato, string bending, slides and other advanced techniques that are used to shape the sound and give it that distinction. â€Å"Intentionally, it’s geared towards people like me with limited or no experience and who want to just play, rather than guitar players,†Fan said. â€Å"So it behaves nothing like a guitar, but it’s still so much easier to play music since it’s not bound by the physics of vibrating strings.†Review of the MI Guitar Cradling the latest version on my lap, it did have the look and feel of an actual guitar, though lighter and admittedly much less intimidating. Despite not having much of a musical background beyond a piano class in high school, it still lends the player an air of confidence with its buttons in addition to strings considering we all press buttons on a computer keyboard every day, how can it not be intuitive? It also comes with an iOS app that displays the lyrics and chords to various songs. Sync it with the guitar and it’ll carefully guide you along Karaoke-style, scrolling forth as you play each chord. Its not hard to flub my first couple attempts at a Green Day song, either by pressing the wrong cord button or hesitating a beat too many. But by the third go around, its easier to pick up the pace a bit, stringing them together until lo and behold music. Joe Gore, a guitar player, music software developer and former editor for Guitar Player magazine, who has yet to try out the technology says that while he likes the notion of a guitar for that anyone can play, he doesn’t expect it to be well-received by those who’ve long put in their dues. â€Å"The guitar community is very conservative,†he explained. â€Å"And because theres a certain work ethic that goes into honing your craft, it’s natural to feel a bit scorned when they see someone cheat and take a shortcut instead of investing the time into something their completely passionate about.†And while Fan says he understands where the criticism comes from, particularly the barrage of â€Å"hate posts†his team has received on social media, he doesn’t see any reason for guitar purists to feel threatened. â€Å"We are not replacing the guitar, especially the expressiveness and sound,†Fan said. â€Å"But for those who’ve never learned it when they were young and have less time now, we’re saying here’s something that you can pick up and enjoy playing right away.†Where to Purchase Anyone interested in pricing information and purchasing the Rhythmic Guitar on pre-order can do so by visiting ​Magic Instruments website.​
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Summary How Group-Think Makes Killers Essay Example
Summary How Group Summary How Group-Think Makes Killers Paper Summary How Group-Think Makes Killers Paper The article starts by describing the setting in which an experiment, which was designed by psychologist Philip G. Zanzibar of the University of Stanford was conducted. The experiment involved college students who are to be divided into two groups one, the prison guards, and two, the inmates. However, six days after the experiment started, the experiment had to be stopped due to the abusive and sadistic behavior of the prison guards towards the inmates. Zanzibar explained the sudden change in behavior of the young men by saying that in a large group, one loud disregard any laws as he becomes nameless with respect to the crowd. Today, it is often cited to support the idea of the evil collection. Although groups do sway their members into doing things which they would not be doing in their normal daily life, those actions are as equally likely to be positive as it is to be negative. The same experiment, aired by BBC, was conducted by British psychologists Stephen D. Richer and S. Alexander Hassle and was met by a different scenario, that is, the guards in in their experiment acted insecurely which led them to conclude that the behavior of a roof depends on the members expectations of the social role they should play. Although psychologists may disagree over how individuals might behave in a crowd, they do agree on one fundamental point: lost in a collective, the individual outgrows himself, for good or bad. Giving Up l for We The BBC experiment refutes the widespread negative view that in a crowd, an individuals identity dissolves and the person is carried away to commit immoral, irrational deeds. Psychologists have demystified collective behavior, showing that normal, scientifically explainable psychological actions are taking place and that it is tot pathological. However, when an individual Joins a social group, he or she is somehow stripped off of his or her individual identity. Gustavo El Bon, a French physician and sociologist, maintained that individuals in a group lose their identity and thus, self-control; and guided only by emotions and instincts, they operate under a primitive force he called the racial unconscious. Fanatical Norms William McDougall, a British-born psychologist, who formulated the so-called group- mind hypothesis, said that however Joins a crowd, gives up his identity in favor of a collective soul. Another experiment in the sass consisted of participants that were randomly assigned to groups according to trivial criteria and although the assignment was arbitrary, it created a strong group sense and analogous behavior. Henry Taffeta and John C. Turner, psychologists if the University of Bristol in England and the Australian National University in Canberra, formulated in the sass the social identity theory which states that belonging to a group created a we feeling in an individual, a sense of a collective self. Summary How Group-Think Makes Killers By Snowboard
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Impact of Sustainability on Apple Incorporated Assignment
The Impact of Sustainability on Apple Incorporated - Assignment Example Sustainability is an integral part of an act that tries to create something better for the future. It is clear from this definition that sustainability is about sustaining or maintaining resources, wealth and any other human needs that will give security in times of needs and great demand. Sustainability, therefore, is about trying to create a well-defined future for each individual, organization or the entire country. For example, it is good to maintain biodiversity because it is through this that the balance of nature will be sustained. In the advent of global warming, part of the sustainability issue is to go for alternative energy sources that will emit fewer greenhouse gases. Thus, concerned countries are trying to make environmental policies that will address sustainability issues. In fact, some countries try to make use of biotechnology, and other alternative energy sources such as wind energy and solar energy that promise less amount of greenhouse gas emission. On the other h and, many companies are trying to involve in corporate social responsibility just to be able to sustain their market share and promote their company in a different but somehow effective way. It is therefore clear that financial aspect or economic consideration to save or generate revenue for the future is an integral part of economic sustainability. Every profit organization wants to be economically sustainable in order to continue operation. Based on the above examples, it is shown that sustainability is not just a process but it is a responsibility of each individual, an organization or the country in general. Aside from this, sustainability is a broad concept and its definition requires a full understanding of the different aspects underlying it. Particularly in this paper, the proponent tries to emphasize sustainability based on an economic perspective of a certain organization. That organization is renowned for its cutting-edge technology and substantially higher product qualit y. The company is Apple Incorporated. In the case of Apple Incorporated, economic sustainability issue is one of its important concerns. This is due to the fact that competition is everywhere and even getting fierce every day. Every organization tries to compete with the other and to the extent that formulations of strategic moves have become a must. This is evident in the case of Apple Incorporated and such move to compete is tantamount to its high regard on its company’s economic welfare. As much as possible, it has to gain a remarkable market share and be the leading service provider in its industry.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Trading Simulation Instruction Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Trading Simulation Instruction - Term Paper Example This comparison enables me to compare a stock’s per-share price. It has become a major problem to control unnecessary volatility of trade market as seen in portfolio. This has triggered the corporate government to rule out and put in place a process of bringing the patterns to a uniform level. Globally, the economic environment has started taking a paradigm shift with the featured securities. Like for instance, the ‘dot com bubble burst’ and the soaring oil prices. It is very challenging when U.S economy is put into an account (Hamid Faruqee, 2008, p. 265). U.S economy has slowed down making the interest rate appear tightened, and the equation made more complex. To determine the right shares of my portfolio, I needed to have a conservative alternative. Microsoft appeared to have outstanding price Earnings Ratio in its book value. From portfolio performance, the shares I traded are not that bad. Their PE ratios reflect the book value they had. The expected daily returns from shares have a weighted portfolio exhibit significant to non-linear dependence. Shares from Facebook and Microsoft are mostly consistent with previous market research. This research shows complete evidence of non-linear dependence in returns expected from the stock market indexes. The indexes are based on the individual stock in the United States. My justification is based on trading Facebook shares. Facebook has been engaged in global trading of market securities. This has built social products in order to create utility for both its users and developers. Facebook shares have appreciated in the recent years. It is true to say the stock is currently upward trading to approximately high rates. Summary and analysis of the Facebook share price shows the price trend is strong. Price trend can be made strong by use of simple moving averages. Key moving averages are seen in the daily chart shown in the portfolio. Facebook trading is not a bad move
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