Writing a technical paper
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Resident Evil 3-Nemesis :: essays research papers
Inhabitant Evil 3-Nemesis Bio Hazard 3-Last Escape - Faqs/Walkthrough- - [by Rann Yong] Chapter by chapter guide - - 01. Introduction 02. What's going on 03. Controls 04. Characters 05. Walkthrough I. September 28th, light... II. October first, night... 06. Insider facts 07. Mecenaries Game 08. Rank/Grade 09. Incidental 10. About 11. Unique Thanks 01. Introduction - This is the primary faq/walkthrough I at any point composed, so please excuse me for not great in writting this faq. I should state that this game is harder than the past arrangement of Bio Hazard as the Boss (the one pursuing you) in this scene is hard to deal with. So don't think little of this game! Enemy will come running at all of you the time! He won't rest until you pass on in his hand...you will take note that, when he show up he will say "DIE!!" For this faq is very or difficult for me to clarify in light of the fact that there's parcel of parts, for example, where the thing area is, will varies as per your progress in the game. So as opposed to revealing to you where the thing is, I rather not incorporate that, sorry!! In any case, don't stress the thing can be clearly checked whether you look hard. This game is somewhat short however writting walkthrough isn't that short...especially come clarifying something troublesome in spite of the fact that my explaination isn't exactly great. The walkthrough segment just accentuate on the significant thing for example, key. As such, the area of green herbs, medical aid shower, and so on isn't talked about. I suggested you folks and ladies go get all the Bio Hazard arrangement, as to precisely comprehend what's going on. The goal in Bio Hazard 3 is exclusively getting away from the Raccoon City. 02. What's going on - Rendition 0.2 - - incorporate walkthrough, character, different faq including explosive blending. - update on hired fighters game, I overlooked another regular citizen from the last form. Variant 0.1 - - First discharged - Include soldiers of fortune game, controls, and so forth. - Not much however enough to get you through the game 03. Controls - The accompanying control is of course in the game. Control is break into two parts, fundamental development, and new development. Fundamental development Control - - - - - Stroll forward D-cushion up Walk in reverse D-cushion down Turn right D-cushion right Turn left D-cushion left Run D-cushion up while holding X New development Control - - - - - 180 degrees turn Press(or hold) D-cushion down and X at the same time Keep away from snags Rapidly press R1,R2 or L1 when foe's going to assault you 04. Characters - Name: Jill Sex: Female Occupation: S.T.A.R.S. part Reason: Escape from Raccoon City Control through game: Yes Control through hired soldiers game: No Name: Carlos Sex: Male Occupation: Mercenary employed by Umbrella Reason: Rescue the regular citizens in Raccoon City Control through game: Yes Control through hired soldiers game: Yes Name: Mikhail Sex: Male Occupation: Mercenary employed by Umbrella Reason: Rescue the regular citizens in Raccoon City
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Influences of Machiavelli essays
The Influences of Machiavelli papers Machiavellis The Prince was a useful exertion dependent on his common experience and perception of human instinct. It was a work so basic in its thought that it was significantly compelling and has become a foundation of present day political philosophy.(Chew 1) So as to see how really qualified Machiavelli was in exhorting another sovereign, one must comprehend his experience. Niccolo Machiavelli, referred to numerous as the dad of present day political hypothesis, was conceived on May 3, 1469 in Florence, Italy. He was instructed in the run of the mill renaissance style of the accommodating orders, enveloping Latin, history, moral way of thinking and legislative issues. Through these examinations and his readings of such incredible authors as Aristotle, Herodotus, and Virgil, Machiavelli increased quite a bit of his authentic point of view. At the point when he was a youngster, he was designated leader of the Second Chancery. The chanceries dealt with correspondence managing residential, remote and military issues of Florence. He was not long after elevated to secretary of The Ten of War (the conciliatory relations board of Florence). This position managed him the chance to make a trip abroad to go about as a discretionary append, sending home to Florence reports and perceptions of outside countries and their rulers. His perceptions abroad brought about a considerable lot of the thoughts that structure the reason for the significant explanations found in his political works. (Ratliff 1) Thus, one may presume that Machiavelli had direct information and involvement with tact and legislative issues. This is the means by which remarkably qualified Machiavelli was and why The Prince has become, to somewhere in the range of, a political book of scriptures. Crafty governmental issues has additionally come to portray deceitful political conduct. In any case, from Machiavellis viewpoint it is simply his perception of fruitful and powerful legislative issues. The Prince starts with a letter from Machiavelli to Lorenzo de Medici. Machiavelli recognizes that the o... <!
Friday, July 10, 2020
Making an AP Synthesis Essay Personal
Making an AP Synthesis Essay PersonalWhen writing an AP Topics Essay, many students may feel pressured by the topic and not feel like they have much to say. However, you can make it more personal by including topics that you truly enjoy. Writing about something you like will make it a more personal writing experience for you.The main idea is to discuss the facts and issues surrounding the topic. Try to write as objectively as possible. Your students need to understand that the topics are going to be used in many different classes, so make sure that the writing reflects this. Also, use your own ideas, experience, and insights.The main idea of an AP Synthesis Essay is to teach the same subject in multiple ways. You can offer multiple examples from a variety of fields. These methods will also help you customize your AP Synthesis Essay for your students. In addition, if you include content that is common to many fields, then your students will learn a little bit of everything. Therefore, your students will get an overview of the topics.While synthesizing is essential to earning high grades in your AP class, it is not as important as you might think. You do not need to worry about how to synthesize the subjects of your AP Topics Essay. Instead, just focus on the parts of the information that are relevant to your class. This means that you need to leave out all of the unnecessary information that you can eliminate. Since you will be reading these topics as a student, you should have enough background information on the topic to make it easier for your students to understand.In a good way, you can make your students aware of the importance of having a topic that they can relate to. It helps to make it personal because students are more likely to remember your writing if it is personal. After all, you're making a personal choice to cover certain topics in your AP class. After all, what's the point of looking up information if your students won't really relate to it? Yo u can make it personal by introducing it as part of your expertise. In addition, you will have a way to relate to your students in a personal way that is truly unique.By now, you know the importance of AP Synthesis Essay. If you haven't yet decided what to write, there are a few things you can consider. Write a short summary of the topic and follow this with some concise and easy-to-read material that is actually related to the subject. However, don't try to cover every single aspect of the topic.By following these steps, you will be able to produce a high-quality AP Synthesis Essay that can improve your students' grades. If you are able to research the topic before beginning the writing process, you will be better able to find topics that are more interesting to your students. With a little bit of thought, you will be able to come up with topics that they will truly enjoy.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Leadership The Truth About Leadership - 1443 Words
OUTLINE TITLE I. Introduction Leadership has had some changes since 1980. The Truth About Leadership by James Kouzes and Barry Posner describes some of the changes workers and leaders have faced over time. Generational changes, increased marketplace and diversity. Leaders can be anyone that has had an impact on our lives that we look up to and want to model ourselves after. The leader I choose was President Ronald Reagan. Reagan penned his memoirs in 1990. II. Review of The Truth about Leadership The authors describe a brief history of leadership over the years focusing how some changes have occurred but that the â€Å"content†of leadership has remained the same. The changes they spoke of are increased marketplace, technology and political affects such at global terrorism and scarcity of natural resources. With the introductions of the Millennial into the work force, leaders have shifted their leadership to meet their demands. Kouzes and Posner wrote on â€Å"10 truths about leadership†. They believe that â€Å"the context of leadership has changed, the content of leadership has not changed.†The first truth is â€Å"the truth is that you make a difference†. Simply explained, the truth is you can make a difference. You have to believe in yourself if you want to make changes and be a leader. Within that truth they speak of the â€Å"five practices of exemplary leadership.†These are 1) model the way 2) inspire a shared vision 3) challenge the process 5) encourage the heart.Show MoreRelatedCritique Of The Truth About Leadership1358 Words  | 6 PagesRunning head: CRITIQUE OF THE TRUTH ABOUT LEADERSHIP 1 CRITIQUE OF THE TRUTH ABOUT LEADERSHIP 5 Critique of The Truth about Leadership Renan Daghistani MAX ELLZEY, Ed.D, MBA, M.Div BSCI 635.25 LEADERSHIP and ETHICS Spring2016? Critique of The Truth about Leadership Introduction Kouzes and Posner provide ten universal truths of leadership. They posit that whereas the leadership context has changed since the commencement of their research, successful habits and behaviors have remained theRead MoreThe Truth About Leadership, By James Kouzes And Barry Posner1851 Words  | 8 Pagesfollowed those in leadership roles and as adults many of us have not only followed but also lead. The question will remain as to why we want to follow some and abide to follow others. What does one person have that the others do not that makes one want to conform to what that leader is selling? 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A Sick Man’S Precious Life Essay Example For Students
A Sick Man’S Precious Life Essay Technology has been a part of everyone’s life. It can be found everywhere, in homes, in education and even in the field of medicine. Technology lead to the further development of healing and curing. Because of it, doctors can cure patients more easily and effectively. However, technology is not always an advantage. It has brought several unacceptable ideas, one of which is the ending of a suffering patient’s life. This is more popularly known as euthanasia. Euthanasia, from its Greek origin meaning easy death or dying well, is an action or omission which of itself or by intention caused death in order that all suffering may be eliminated. Euthanasia is more than killing pain, it is killing a person, a human being. Euthanasia or mercy killing should never be legalized. Euthanasia violates the divine, human, and medical laws. Moreover, it undermines the value of life, the value of each one’s earthly existence. Euthanasia is very much against the divine law. Both the Christian and Islam religions condemn it. Verses in the Bible, the holy book of Christians, and Quran, the holy book of Muslims, would prove how religiously unlawful euthanasia is. Daniel 13:53 of the Bible states that â€Å"The innocent and the just, thou shall not kill,†while Exodus 23:7 tells that â€Å"The innocent and just, you shall not put to death.†While the Quran says in chap. 6 verse 151: â€Å"Take not the life Allah made secret, otherwise in the course of justice.†In other words, we do not have a claim on death, but rather death has a claim on us. We are not the absolute masters of our life, only God is. He is the supreme master of life and we have no right to usurp His dominion. As defined, euthanasia is a means to eliminate suffering. It implies that all sufferings are meaningless. We should remember that it is through Jesus’ suffering that He triumphs. I am not saying that we should always welcome pains. What I am trying to express is that mercy killing undermines the part of suffering in our lives. Euthanasia deprives us, particularly the sick, an opportunity to grow in trust, faith, and strength. Instead of thinking of suffering as only ache and agony, we should look at suffering as a way to develop our character and as a test of courageousness. No one likes suffering, no one is willing to suffer, but suffering is inevitable, and so, we must learn to face and conquer it, not by any method of killing. Choosing euthanasia is just like accepting defeat against pain and suffering. Besides the divine law, mercy killing violates the International Code of Medical Ethics and the Hippocratic Oath. Both the code and the oath dictate that doctors have an obl igation to preserve human life from its moment of conception. Thus, a physician acts unethically if he intentionally and deliberately enables and individual to end his life. Legalizing and abusing mercy killing can bring many unlikely effects too. An example of which is the lessening of medical researches. The law has a powerful effect on the public’s conscience. When a practice becomes widely used and accepted, people tend to support it and cease to have strong feelings about it. An example is the euthanasia program in Nazi Germany. The conscience of doctors who were assigned to terminate lives became numbed. In addition to that, the program gained support from the crowd. The view of society on the protection of human life changed. If killing becomes allowed, terminally ill patients would realize that they have become a burden to their family. They would be more pressured to choose death. Allowing involuntary euthanasia can lead to abuse of opportunities by manipulating a patient’s consent. When a someone agrees to end the life of a dying incompetent adult or a minor, the process of ending the patient’s life is called involuntary eu thanasia. For example, an incompetent and very sick and old rich man is suffering from extreme pain and he is incapable of deciding whether to allow the doctor to perform mercy killing or not. His son, daughter, or whoever his heir to his riches is, will have to make a decision. And it is not impossible that this heir agrees to euthanasia, even though the patient disagrees, only because of desire for wealth. .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8 , .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8 .postImageUrl , .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8 , .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8:hover , .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8:visited , .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8:active { border:0!important; } .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8:active , .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8 .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud11b3320e531bb29cc9b315bd6a0fce8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Antisocial Personality Disorder EssayOf all the effects, this is the most unlikely one. Killing would be more popular than caring. New mechanisms of killing would certainly be more popular, researched, and discovered than new processes of healing or curing. But killing should never be an option to relieve of pain. Medical researches should expanded and knowledge to health care must be added. When a life is weak, full of depression and pain, that life is most deserving of tender loving care. In short, killing should never be considered as care. We care for life, we do not end it. The thing which mercy killing undermines the most is the value of life. Euthanasia supporters d eclare that the life of a patient with an incurable disease is not anymore worth living. In contrast, a life not worth living does not exist. We have no right to judge someone’s life as useless. A human being is worth more than an entire physical universe. Human life has an infinite value. When we base the right to continue living on the quality of life, there is no logical place to draw the line. Scientific study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry shows that only one of four terminally ill patients are willing to die. It was proven that those who chose to die have clinical diagnosable depression. Effective therapeutic treatment is possible with these patients. Compassionate counseling and assistance, which are provided in hospices, as well as psychological care can prevent a patient to choose death. This will encourage patients to value more their lives. As a support, we must foster positive attitudes towards these people. Euthanasia should never be implemented. Legalization of it would only give way to numerous conflicts. It looks down on several facts and most of all, it is against God. What euthanasia only does is create sinners. People will violate laws and worst of all kill themselves and fellow human beings. Medicine Essays
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Motivation Money free essay sample
how money motivates A review of motivation concepts and the impact of money. A review of motivation concepts and the impact of money. What motivates us? This is a subject of great debate and study and there are many theories that have been developed to answer this one question. Motivation can be defined in many ways, but generally is viewed as the influential force driving our behaviors toward achieving a goal. In the workplace environment, many studies evaluate what forces specifically have the greatest influence on an employee’s behaviors, performance and overall job satisfaction. These factors include but are not limited to: good wages, job security, interesting work, promotion growth, full appreciation of work done, feeling of being in on things, loyalty to employees, good working conditions, sympathetic help with problems and tactful discipline. (Kovach, 1987, p. 59) The articles that I have selected for discussion explore further the effects and importance of money as the primary and most important factor. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation Money or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The author, Kenneth Kovach, addresses his views on the key drivers for why people work in his article, â€Å"What Motivates Employees? Workers and Supervisors Give Different Answers. †Interestingly the outcome of his research, combined with the research of many others over the last 40 years is consistent with the claim that money is not the primary and most important driver, rather employees are more motivated by type of work that they do, specifically â€Å"interesting work†. This is contradictory to what is generally understood by supervisors, citing that money or good wages is the most important driver. This varies of course depending on the groups being evaluated where Kovach discovered that low income, young workers (20-30 yrs. old) and / or low entry level workers were more likely to place more significance on good wages versus their counterparts. This is somewhat intuitive when you evaluate it against Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory, which defines a hierarchy of five needs as: physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization. In the groups defined above, they are still striving to meet their physiological needs and as such, placed a more significant importance on good wages. However applying this same concept, one could suggest that what wasn’t further investigated is the uses of money to meet the factor’s cited by employees as more important, specifically: full appreciation of work done and feeling of being in on things which were ranked as the top two in the survey. According to Maslow’s hierarchy, these influential factors would fall under the higher needs of social, esteem and self-actualization. Supervisor’s ability to demonstrate appreciation for employee’s work can be done in several ways; however, monetary rewards are generally the most widely utilized. This can be through pay increases, bonuses, stock options, lump sum allotments or pay for performance models. This suggests that possibly the flaw with the research is not the analysis of the workers survey responses but rather the survey questions themselves. This is the premise captured in the article, â€Å"The Importance of Pay in Employee Motivation: Discrepancies on What People Say and What People Do†. Rynes, Gerhart, Minette, 2004) Rynes, Colbert and Brown (2004) make the statement that â€Å"Surveys that directly ask employees how important pay is to them are likely to overestimate pay’s true importance in actual decisions†This article reveals that pay is actually more important than employees would like to admit, suggesting a person’s tendency towards socially desirable. Social norms can be the primary explanation for why many view money as a less noble source of motivation than factors such as challenging work or work that makes a contribution to society. Rynes, et al. , p. 382) Whether we would like to admit it, money is influential. In a further investigation, its influences have been reported that although bad for the interpersonal self, it can be good for the personal self. (Vohs, Mead Goode, 2008, p. 1) In this, they formulated two hypotheses as to why this is the case all of which stems back to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The hypothesis comes from the premise that people need money to live, fulfilling Maslow’s physiological need. A secondary source suggests that money often follows performance efforts, and as a result, can be a useful tool in encouraging individual performance efforts. (Vohs et al. , 2008, p 2) Rynes et al. noted that Maslow refers to money as meeting â€Å"lower-order†needs, but can also â€Å"pave the way toward social status, a good education for one’s children, or making it possible to retire early and enjoy increased leisure. †(Rynes et al. , p. 385) This suggests that money can assist all levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy. However, this doesn’t suggest that money is the only important factor. Research further discovered money is a relative criterion for evaluating job satisfaction. There are many variables that contribute to ranking the importance of money, both situational and individual. This is a key point since it suggests that despite surveys, research and data; ultimately the manager needs to understand the individual and their needs and drivers for meeting performance objectives and overall job satisfaction. This is further evidenced by interviews from FORTUNE’S Top 100 Companies to work for in 2011, companies such as SAS, Wegman’s Food Products, Google, Edwards Jones Microsoft to name a few. Rynes et al. (2004) shared the example of the CEO for General Electric, Jack Welch, as an example where leadership acknowledges the money motivator using a pay system to provide much higher rewards for strong individual and organizational performance. He quoted the following: â€Å"I think showering rewards on people for excellence is an important part of the management process. There’s nothing I like more than giving big raises . . . You have to get rewarded in the soul and the wallet. The money isn’t enough, but a plaque isn’t enough either. . . . you have to give both. †(Jack Welch, quoted in Hymowitz Murray,1999, p. B1, as cited in Rynes et al. , p. 392) In conclusion, money is not always the only or the most important motivator, but it does have a significant place contrary to what many researchers suggest. Rynes et al. (2004, p. 92) stated, â€Å"while managers will (and should) consider both financial and nonfinancial tools for attracting, motivating, and retaining employees, it would be a mistake to conclude, based on general surveys, that monetary rewards are not highly important. †Studies need to rethink the idea that money is directly attributable to greed and instead understand how money aligned with Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory can be a beneficial tool in motivating higher performance while achieving grea ter job satisfaction. References Kovach, K. A. (1987). What Motivates Employees? Workers and Supervisors Give Different Answers. Business Horizons. September-October, 58-65. Rynes, S. L. , Gerhart, B. Minette, K. A. (2004) The Importance of Pay in Employee Motivation: Discrepancies Between What People Say and What They Do. Human Resource Management, 43, 381-394 Vohs, K. , Mead, N. Goode, M. (2008). Merely Activating the Concept of Money Changes Personal and Interpersonal Behavior. Association for Psychological Science, 17, 208-212. â€Å"FORTUNES Top 100†(2011) in CNN Money; retrieved from http://money. cnn. com/magazines/fortune/bestcompanies/2011/full_list/
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